Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas Holydays

My t-shirt (31-12-2011)

My Christmas holydays, this year were very good. I was in my village for “Good Night” and for Christmas I returned to Valencia for to eat with my mother’s family. The other days were very normal, I was with my friends and I did my home works.
The 31 of December, I was for the afternoon with Paula and later we were in the Ana’s home, the girls of my class were dinning there, but I was dinning with my family. I had a t-shirt blue, black, and silver, and my trouser was black.
We were dinning in my cousin’s home, the table was very big, and all table had food.
When we finished to dinner, we singing Christmas carol and later, we were eating 12 grapes, later we singing and dancing with the TV, and at 02:00 am, I was in my house.
The next day I was eating with my mum’s family in a restaurant, and the rest of the days were normally. The day 5 of January, I was with my friends for the afternoon, and for the night I was with my dad’s family drink chocolate. The next day for the morning in my lounge I had presents. I had a karaoke, a perfume, a sneakers, a light for my bedroom and more things. The rest of the day I was going to the house of my family. 

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